Aligning along an axis in SketchUp is simple. When moving a part along an axis.

Aligning along an axis
  1. Open SketchUp

  2. Create an entity.

  3. Press spacebar to choose the Select tool

  4. Triple click on the entity.

  5. CTRL+ click and select Make Group.

  6. Select the Move tool (M) and click on a point, then press an arrow key to lock the axis of motion. Left arrow = green axis, up = blue and right = red:

Using an extension

The Align Tool extension was originally created by Didier Bur of This plugin is now in the Extension Warehouse. It will help you to align objects and components precisely.
  1. Open the warehouse, sign in if you have not already.

  2. Search align

  3. Select and click Install

  4. Create a few entities and make some of them groups.

  5. CTRL+click on a group and select Align Group/Component from the Context Menu:

  6. When aligning groups an components you only have to click the three destination points:
    1. Select the Group you want to move

    2. CTRL+click to select Align Group/Component

    3. Click end origin point:

    4. Click end X axis orientation:

    5. Click end Y axis orientation:

  7. After the third click, you will see a dialog box that will ask if you want Duplicate this group .

  8. If you just want to move the selected group or component, select No, otherwise select Yes:

  9. To move an entity that is not a group you need to make 6 clicks. Press spacebar to select the Select tool. Triple click on the entity to select it:

  10. Make sure you orient your view so that you can click on all six points

  11. CTRL+click on the entity and select Align from the Context Menu:

  12. Click on the start origin point

  13. Click on the start X axis orientation

  14. Click on the start Y axis orientation

  15. Click on the end X axis orientation

  16. Click on the end X axis orientation

  17. Click on the end Y axis orientation

  18. After you click on the last point, the entity will reposition itself:

Now what?

  1. Move things around!