More Snap

SNAP is a multi-paradigm language, meaning it incorporates several programming paradigms:
  1. Functional programming
    Evaluate an expression and use the resulting value for something.

    cascading values compose functions

  2. Imperative programming (sequential)-computation in a series of steps
    examples:Pascal and C
    First do this and next do that

    mutation is allowed.
    This is a harder way to think, harder to debug
     	return ans

  3. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    examples:Java, C++
    Objects as data structures
    attributes and behaviors
    easy to build massive project in a group way
    classes an instances

    Send messages between objects to simulate the temporal evolution of a set of real world phenomena.

  4. Declarative
    You tell the system some rules and then you can question it about the rules.
    Tell you what you want, not how to do it. What is forefront. subcategories: constraint

    Answer a question via search for a solution.

new counter (this is a new instances of counter) It is a function that takes no inputs, but returns an object changes count by 1