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This project was inspired by MakerBot's Mechanical Hand Design.



  1. All parts except the fingers are preprinted. Design your own extensions.

    Use TinkerCad, download something from Thingiverse or create your extensions in clay and use 123D Catch to create a model.

  2. Open blender

  3. Import this file into Blender.

  4. Import one of your extensions into blender as well.

  5. Align the end near the hole if the fingerRod to intersect with your extension.

  6. Select the rod, then Shift +Left click on the extension.

  7. Add a modifier

  8. Select Boolean.

  9. Select Difference

  10. Select fingerRod

  11. Select Apply

  12. In Main window deselect all.

  13. Click on the fingerRod and move it away from the extension.

  14. Select the extension and File>Export>Stl.

  15. Open in ReplicatorG and print

  16. Repeat for other 3 extensions if different

  17. Glue extensions onto FingerRods

  18. Attach small rubber-bands or springs: