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/ / Ring-A-Thing

The Ring-A-Thing is a modular ring-building kit that will allow you to press-fit a small cube magnet into the base and top, allowing you to switch out designs on your printed ring.

Here is the code for the base of the ring. Measure the diameter of your finger and pass in that value. If you want a delicate ring, the second parameter should be set to true.

  1. Open OpenSCAD and paste the following code in:
    ring_size = 16;
    ring(ring_size, true);
    module ring(size, d=true) {
    	difference() {
        		union() {
          		cylinder(r=size/2+2, h=9, center=false);
          		translate([0, size/4+2.5, 9/2]) 
    	  			cube(size=[size, size/2+4, 9], center=true);
    	  			cube(size=[size+4, size/2+4, 9], center=true);
        		translate([0, 0, -1]) 
    		cylinder(r=size/2, h=12+2, center=false);	
    		translate([-1.5, size/2+1.5,2.5])

  2. Adjust the ring size and profile

  3. Press F5 to view the ring base

  4. Press F6 to render the mesh

  5. Under Design select Export as STL

  6. Open in ReplicatorG and process for printing

Design a top with a 3.3mm cube removed from it.

Top Parts

  1. After you designed your top part open it up in blender by selecting File>Import>stl navigate to design and import it.

  2. Deselect the part. Press SHIFT+A to add a MESH>cube.

  3. Press N to open the panel on the right side.

  4. Set the cube dimensions to 3.3 x 3.3 x 3.3

  5. Move the cube so that it is placed in the center of the top part where the top part and the ring should connect

  6. Select the cube then SHIFT+click on the top part.

  7. Add a modifier

  8. Select Boolean

  9. Select the cube

  10. When it accepts your selection, click Apply

  11. Back in the main window deselect both objects

  12. Click just on the cube and press X to delete the cube. You should be left with a hole where the cube was.

  13. Export top as an STL and open it up in ReplicatorG