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There are three different faces that you need to create to form the cube of RoboBrrd’s skeleton.
  1. The bottom face is designed with a large hole in the back to route the wires from the LEDs & LDRs and servos into the base where the controller board will be. There is a 30mm wide platform in the middle in order for the dual-lock to attach to the rotational servo in the base.

  2. For the side faces, you will need to create two for the left and right side of the bottom face. The only difference between the two sides will be the positioning of the ledge. The ledge is always closest to the back of the RoboBrrd. The ledge in the side faces is used to neatly route the LED & LDR wires, allowing them to not interfere with the movement of the wings and beak mechanism.

  3. The front and back face main structural purpose is to help the side faces remain perpendicular to the bottom face. The front face is specifically used to mount the beak halves.


When all of the faces are constructed, they need to be attached. It is important to ensure that the faces are perpendicular to each other. Placing the hot glue on the edges of the faces that are being mounted is usually the best tactic for this.