Here is the schematic and an image of the breadboard
Build and test the circuit
Free form solder the parts together:
Connect a wire from pin 1 (This will be the GND line). Then connect pin 2 to the .1µF capacitor. The other side of the capacitor should go to GND
Connect pin 2 to pin 6. Make sure to not connect pins 1 and 2
Connect a wire from pin 8. This will be the power line. Connect pin 7 to a resistor. Connect the other side to the power line
Connect the leads from the battery clip to power and GND lines
Connect pins 6 to 7 with the resistor
Connect the electrolytic capacitor to pin 3. Connect the GND side of the capacitor to the red lead of the speaker. Connect the black lead of the speaker to the GND line
Connect the potentiometer to pin 4
Connect the LDR to the potentiometer
Test the circuit. If it works, hot glue it to prevent shorts
Build an enclosure
Stick the leads of the LDR through the material. The LDR needs to be on the outside
Cut and strip the red or black wire attached to the battery clip