Extruding svg files with Blender

What is it?
Blender provides a very simple way to extrude SVG files. This is great for whenever you want to convert 2D to 3D.This tutorial will also explore tessellations. A tessellation is a repeating pattern with no gaps or overlaps. This tutorial will show you how to design a tile in Inkscape and then import it into Blender.
What's the tutorial?
- If you don't have Inkscape, download and install it from here. Otherwise open the application.
- Create a New Document. CTRL+N
- Press F4, hold down CTRL and drag a perfect square.
- Take a nibble from the top with the beziér tool. Make sure to come out at one of the corners:
- Select nibble and square and select Path>Division
- With the Select and Transform Object tool, just select the nibble. Move to the left. Select Object>Rotate 90° CW
- Fit the shape against the left edge.
Make sure there is no stroke.
Select the nibble and the square and then select Path>Union
- With the Beziér tool, create a nibble from the bottom. Make sure you come out at a corner
- Select nibble and square and select Path>Division
- With the Select and Transform Object tool, just select the nibble. Move the nibble to the right
- Select Object>Rotate 90° CW
- Fit the shape against the right edge. Make sure there is no stroke.
- Select the nibble and the square and then select Path>Union
- Change the measurement to millimeters
- Resize the tile to have a width of about 80mm. Lock the width.
- Create a duplicate of the tile by pressing Edit>Duplicate
- Change the fill color of the duplicate. And set the stroke of the duplicate to .50mm and change the fill color
- Press CTRL+J for dynamic offset and move the duplicated tile in the same amount as the stroke
- Move the duplicated form down
- Turn off the stroke
- Delete the original tile.
- You want to resize the document to your image. Press File>Document Properties, toggle open Resize page to content and click Resize page to drawing or selection
- Save your tile as an SVG file
- If you don't have Blender installed, download it from blender.org and install it.
- Open Blender
- If you have never used Blender before navigate to File>User Preferences or type (CMD+,).
- Click on Input
- Click on Emulate Button Mouse and Emulate Numpad
- Click on Save As Default
- If the cube is not selected (if there is not an orange line around it), RIGHT click on it to select it:
- Press X and click on Delete to delete the cube.
- Click on File>Import>Scalable Vector Graphic (.svg) and navigate to your .svg file and click on Import .SVG button in the top right corner.
- RIGHT+click on the imported file so that it is selected.
- In the left panel select Origin to Geometry
- Click on Object Data in the Right Panel:
- This will open the Object Data panel:
- If it isn't open, toggle open the Geometry panel
- CTRL+click on Extrude
- Change the extrude value to 1
- In the Viewport press N. And resize your shape by pressing S and scaling up so that your width matches your your width from the original .svg file:
- Set the z to however high you want your tile.
- Convert the shape to a mesh by selecting Object>Convert To>Mesh from Curve
- Select the object if it is not selected and select File>Export>STL(.stl) Save the stl and open in MakerWare or ReplicatorG. Print at least two pieces.
Now what?
- Upload your tessellation to Thingiverse
- Come back tomorrow for more information and inspiration!