Fusion 360
- Create a New Sketch:
- Select the ground plane:
- Make a centered rectangle 80 x 80:
- Select the spline tool:
- Make a nibble at the top:
- Make a nibble on the left side:
- Stop the sketch:
- Extrude one of the nibbles:
- Turn on Sketch 1:
- Extrude the other two parts, making sure to create new bodies with each extrusion:
- Select the top nibble:
- Move it 80mm to the bottom:
- Select the nibble on the left and move it 80mm to the right:
- Select Combine from the modify menu:
- Select all three pieces and click OK:
- Create a sketch on the top surface:
- Create an offset of -.4mm:
- Turn off the body and Sketch 1:
- Extrude the new profile. Make a copy to test fit: