Sound Bits
Sound bits are individual lesson plans that were conceived to be completed consecutively, but can be followed non-sequentially. What ties all these bits together is sound.
Introduction to Sound
What is sound?
Sound is a form of energy that is made when air molecules vibrate and move in a pattern called waves, or sound waves. When the molecules are pushed closer together it is called compression; when they are pulled apart, it is called rarefaction. The back and forth oscillation of pressure produces a sound waves.We hear sounds because our ears are sensitive to these waves. One of the easiest types of sound wave to understand is a short, sudden sound like a hand clap. When you clap your hands you create a pressurized wave of air which moves at about 340 meters per second (the speed of sound). When this wave reaches your ear, it pushes on your eardrum slightly, causing your ear drum to vibrate and allowing you to hear the clap.
Our eardrums act as receivers. When vibrating air reaches the eardrum, it causes the eardrum to vibrate as well. The eardrum then transmits the vibrations to tiny bones in the middle ear, and so on until they reach the inner ear where the oscillating pressures are converted into electrical signals and sent to the brain.
Sound waves are often characterized by four basic properties:
- frequency—The number of cycles per unit of time
- amplitude—height of wave
- shape—sine, square, sawtooth
Some sound waves are periodic, in that the change from equilibrium (average atmospheric pressure) to maximum compression to maximum rarefaction back to equilibrium is repetitive. The unit that gets repeated is called a cycle, and the amount of time a single cycle takes is called a period.
The above wave form is a sinusoidal wave form. Noise is characterized as being aperiodic or having a non-repetitive pattern. There are many different types of noise, depending primarily on the random distribution of frequencies.
square wave , or pulse wave is a non-sinusoidal waveform, in which the amplitude alternates at a steady frequency between fixed minimum and maximum values.
The number of cycles per unit of time is called the frequency. Frequency is most often measured in cycles per second (cps) or the Hertz (Hz) (60 cps = 60 Hz). 1000 Hz is often referred to as 1 kHz (kilohertz) or simply '1k'. We can hear frequencies between 20 to 20,000K Hz, although as we age, we are less able to hear the higher frequencies. Frequencies below 20Hz are referred to as sub-audio and above 20K Hz are ultrasonic.
Frequency is directly related to wavelength, which is represented by the Greek symbol lambda (λ). Wavelength is the distance in space required to complete a full cycle of a frequency. The wavelength of a sound is the inverse of its frequency. The formula is:
λ=speed of sound/frequency
Lower frequencies have longer wavelengths. We can hear lower frequencies around a corner because the longer wavelengths refract or bend more easily around objects than do shorter ones. Longer wavelengths are harder for us to directionally locate.
A dynamic envelope refers to the amplitude change over time of a sound event. A note can have an initial attack characterized by the amount of time it takes to change from no sound to a maximum level, a decay phase, whereby the amplitude decreases to a steady-state sustain level, followed by a decay phase, characterized by the time it takes the amplitude to change from the sustain level to 0.
Phono Horn
- Breadboarding
- Soldering
- Reading Schematics
- Sketching
- 3D modeling:Introduction to 123D Design
- 3D printing
An Analog Amplifier
Design an analog amplifier for your phone so that no external power is needed. Use the principle of a bugle, which concentrates the sound and directs the conduction direction to increase the volume.
Honky Tonk Toy Organ
Create a box to generate noise
- Breadboarding
- Soldering
- Reading Schematics
- Sketching
- 3D modeling
- 3D printing
Design the enclosure for your noise generator
Introduction to 3D printing
Do the following:
- Provide an answer to this question: How does your noise generator work?
- Include your work from the Design Process.
- Provide an answer to this question: What kind of compromises did/will you make?
Creating an Amplifier
Amplifier Circuit
- Breadboarding
- Soldering
- Reading Schematics
- Sketching
- 3D modeling
- 3D printing
Design the housing for the Amplifier
- Provide an answer to this question: How does your amplifier work?
- Include your work from the Design Process.
- Provide an answer to this question: What kind of compromises did/will you make?
Circuit Bending
- Breadboarding
- Soldering
- Reading Schematics
- Sketching
- 3D modeling:Introduction to 123D Design
- 3D printing
Atari Punk Console
- Breadboarding
- Soldering
- Reading Schematics
- Sketching
- 3D modeling
- 3D printing
Low Fi Hi Tech headphones
Low Fi Hi Tech headphones is a research Project to find out a way to create a fully functional pair of audio headphones without any manufactured part, this means all the parts of this headset are raw materials, such as wire, tape, solder, magnets and of course 3D printed parts.
The most challenging part was to make the right combination of 3D printed elements such as the speaker piece, the ear part had to be a good acoustic case and should to include a holder for the magnet, the speaker itself is a very thin printed part with a very thin rail to be able to insert the copper wire in it.
Once I got that part working, I decided to go further, drawing the plug to fit a standard Jack connector, this was a very tricky part because the model of this was a very thin part to print and creating the connections only with wire was a real challenge. Again it worked! And even if many people would hesitate to plug this weird looking but familiar plug, I can assure you it works with no risks on jamming inside your portable audio device.