The Build Plate library is a utility that will add a representation of a build plate to your file so you can know exactly where your model will be on the plate when you print. It will not be part of the model, but is just a representation. You can specify what kind of plate: the Replicator 1, the Replicator 2, the Thingomatic, or a plate of your own specification.
To use this library:
To use this library:
Download it from
by clicking here.
Here are the following parameters that you can set:
//for display only, doesn't contribute to final object build_plate_selector = 0; //[0:Replicator 2,1: Replicator,2:Thingomatic,3:Manual] //when Build Plate Selector is set to "manual" this controls the build plate x dimension build_plate_manual_x = 100; //[100:400] //when Build Plate Selector is set to "manual" this controls the build plate y dimension build_plate_manual_y = 100; //[100:400] build_plate(build_plate_selector,build_plate_manual_x,build_plate_manual_y);
- Create a folder called utils and save build_plate.scad in that directory.
- Create a new OpenSCAD file just above the utils directory.
- Place these lines at the top of your new OpenSCAD file should be:
If you don't create an object, you will encounter an error. Make sure you include an object. You can test the build plate with a simple cube().
use <utils/build_plate.scad> //set your build plate build_plate_selector = __; //[0:Replicator 2,1: Replicator,2:Thingomatic,3:Manual] //if set to "manual" set the build plate x dimension build_plate_manual_x = 100; //[100:400] //if set to "manual" set the build plate y dimension build_plate_manual_y = 100; //[100:400] build_plate(build_plate_selector,build_plate_manual_x,build_plate_manual_y); //create some object